PDFgeni, es un nuevo motor de búsqueda para documentos en PDF, el motor de basa de las búsqueda en Google search,y nos proporciona rapidamente documentos con extensiones en .pdf en base al término de búsqueda, como todo servicio de éste género el sitio se presenta con una interfaz minimalista muy limpia, para encontrar nuestros documentos bastaría escribir el término de búsqueda deseado y hacer clic en Search Books, luego en los resultado lo podemos ver, descargar o utilizar el visualizador pdf del sitio, además en la página principal es posible ver los Hot Searches osea los documentos mas buscados, y como no podría faltar si éste servicio es apreciado por nosotros es posible agregarlos a los principales agregadores sociales por medio de los iconos.
16 años atrás

pdfgeni is not the original website, he copied evry thing from http://www.pdf-search-engine.com (this is the original website) , they copied even the design for 100%
http://www.paper-search-engine.com An excellent pdf paper and Ebook search engine.That helps you find and download papers, ebooks, and other documents in PDF format. Fast.
No AdWords.
Find and download papers , ebooks, tutorials, and other types of PDF files online.
Save downloaded documents as PDF.
Preview search results.
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A tag cloud displays the most searched documents on the homepage.
Free and no registration required.
http://www.pdf-seek-engine.com An ebook and PDF search engine powered by the Google Search API. You can search for documents, reports and almost any information stored in PDF format and download them onto your system. It even displays the most searched documents on pdfs as a tag cloud.
PDF search engine powered by the Google search API
Search and download any files in PDF format.
A tag cloud displays the most searched documents on the homepage.
No AdWords.
Free and no registration required.
http://www.pdfgoogle.com is a similar PDF search engine, where in you can search for documents, ebooks, datasheets, manuals and download them.
Provides recent and most popular datasheet searches.
Displays relevant images to the search query made.
PDF search engine powered by the Google search API
No AdWords.
You can get Ebooks here.
No AdWords.
Find and download papers , ebooks, tutorials, and other types of PDF files online.
Save downloaded documents as PDF.
Preview search results.
More results.
A tag cloud displays the most searched documents on the homepage.
Free and no registration required.